I hope all are practicing practicing! The next weekend for camp is set for Sept 30th- October 2nd with the recital on Oct 2nd, Sunday at 1:00pm. I would like all the groups to wear black clothing with each group having an accent color. They are welcome to wear their "Dreams in Motion" clothes and add to it or whatever they choose. The colors I would like each group to have are as follows:
2yr-pre school: lt. pink/pink
Kind-1st: green/teal
2nd-3rd: bright purple
4th-6th: bright blue
7th and up: white
Camp Schedule
Friday Sept. 30th2pm-3pm: 2yr old - pre-school
3:15pm-4pm: Kind-1st grade
4pm-6pm: Volleyball
6pm-7pm: 2nd-3rd grade
7pm-8pm: 4th-6th grade
8pm-9pm: 7th grade and up
Saturday October 1st
10am-11am: 2yr old - pre-school
11am-12pm: 2nd-3rd grade
2pm-3:15pm: Kind-1st grade
3:30-4:30pm: 4th-6th grade
4:30-5:30pm: 7th grade and up
Sunday October 2nd
2nd-7th graders I would like to be there by 11:00am until the recital
Kind -1st can come at 12:30
2 yr old- preschool by 12:45
1:00pm RECITAL
If there are any questions or time conflicts please let me know asap. Thanks again and I will see you all Sept 30th :)
701-391-3439 or sarahneigum@hotmail.com