Monday, November 7, 2011

Skills, Stretching, Shimmys, and Smiles :)

Hello Everyone!  I will be coming to the area again November 19th and 20th for a skills weekend.  As I announced back in October, we never have enough time to learn skills to incorporate into the routines.  This is because we are working on memorization so much to get them perfect for recitals.  My plan is to take each group and critique and teach new skills, work on stretching to get those legs limber and a few counts of 8 to keep those minds working.  The youngest ones will of course work more on coordination and attitudes :)  I will also be offering the much anticipated "belly dancing class" for adults and those dancers that want to try it out.  Note: NO TUMMYS WILL HAVE TO SHOW!  But everyone is welcome to, as it is about the womans body not the most is hard, but awesome!  You can wear skirts and hip scarves, or even pants...really anything that makes you feel comfortable and "in the culture"

Classes will be $25 for the weekend 

Please let me know who will be attending so I can start thinking of what each dancer needs to work on.  Also let me know of any schedule conflicts asap.  The schedule will be as follows:

Saturday November 19th
10am-11am: Belly Dancing

11am-12pm: 2yr old-pre-school
12pm-1pm: 2nd-3rd grade
2pm-3pm: Kind-1st grade
3pm-4pm: 4th-6th grade
4pm-5pm: 7th grade and up

Sunday November 20th
10am-11am: 7th grade and up 
11am-12pm: 4th-6th grade
12pm-1pm: 2nd-3rd grade
1pm-2pm: Kind-1st grade
2pm-3pm: 2yr old-pre-school
3pm-4pm: Belly Dancing

Can't wait to see everyone! Call, email, text or facebook me :)
701-391-3439 or

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dance Camp/Recital Sept 30th-Oct 1st

I hope all are practicing practicing!  The next weekend for camp is set for Sept 30th- October 2nd with the recital on Oct 2nd, Sunday at 1:00pm.  I would like all the groups to wear black clothing with each group having an accent color.  They are welcome to wear their "Dreams in Motion" clothes and add to it or whatever they choose.  The colors I would like each group to have are as follows:

2yr-pre school: lt. pink/pink
Kind-1st: green/teal
2nd-3rd: bright purple
4th-6th: bright blue
7th and up: white

Camp Schedule

Friday Sept. 30th2pm-3pm: 2yr old - pre-school
3:15pm-4pm: Kind-1st grade
4pm-6pm: Volleyball

6pm-7pm: 2nd-3rd grade
7pm-8pm: 4th-6th grade

8pm-9pm: 7th grade and up

Saturday October 1st

10am-11am: 2yr old - pre-school 
11am-12pm:  2nd-3rd grade
2pm-3:15pm: Kind-1st grade

3:30-4:30pm: 4th-6th grade
4:30-5:30pm: 7th grade and up

Sunday October 2nd
2nd-7th graders I would like to be there by 11:00am until the recital
Kind -1st can come at 12:30
2 yr old- preschool by 12:45
1:00pm RECITAL

If there are any questions or time conflicts please let me know asap.  Thanks again and I will see you all Sept 30th :)
701-391-3439 or

Sunday, August 7, 2011

2 Weekend Camp Starting August 26th!

Hello Again Bowman/Scranton Community :) 

I have decided to come back down the last weekend of August and either the second or third weekend of September depending on the Rec Centers schedule.  It was just too hard to find another weekend before school starts that would have worked for most families.

Children ages 2 (prefer out of diapers) through 18 are welcome.  This will be a 2 weekend camp like I did in the past and will be having the recital the second weekend.  It seemed to work well and the kids had time to practice and rest their memories until the second weekend.  It is so much material to cram into even 2 weekends for those little brains, but they do so well.

The first weekend will be August 26, 27th and 28th.  The second weekend will depend on the Rec centers schedule for school sports, which they do not know yet.  The recital will be on the Sunday of the September camp.  Cost will be $70 for both weekends or $40 for one weekend.  Since I had so many signing up the day before or the day of last time, I have to have a deadline from now on to register.  The deadline will be August 21st, unless there is/was miscommunication or an emergency.  Please call, email, text, or facebook me the childs name, and grade.  Payment needs to be received at the first class or by the end of the first day unless there are unusual circumstances.

If there is enough interest I will be putting in another order for "Dreams" merchandise.  I will have examples of the items with me at each practice.  Please note that classes are at different times each day so please print off or write down the schedule.  I have rearranged the schedule for the Kind-1st grade so they dont have to be late, we will go 15 minutes longer on Saturday. Times are as follows:

Friday August 26th
2pm-3pm: 2yr old - pre-school
3:15pm-4pm: Kind-1st grade
4pm-6pm: Volleyball

6pm-7pm: 2nd-3rd grade
7pm-8pm: 4th-6th grade

8pm-9pm: 7th grade and up

Saturday August 27th

10am-11am: 2nd-3rd grade
11am-12pm: 2yr old - pre-school
2pm-3pm: 4th-6th grade

3pm-4:15pm: Kind-1st grade
5pm-6pm: 7th and up

Sunday August 28th
9am-10am: 2nd-3rd grade
10am-11am: 2yr old - pre-school
11am-12pm: 4th-6th grade

12pm-1pm: Kind-1st grade
1pm-2pm: 7th and up

Please let me know if there are any questions/concerns.  My number is 701-391-3439 and email is  THANK YOU!!!

I now have a "Dreams In Motion Dance" Facebook page for everyone to post pictures and videos to.  Please "Like" us and start adding photos :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June Camp Back ON!!!!

So let's try this again!  I will be coming down June 17th-19th.  Again please email, call, text, or message me on facebook if you would like to sign up.  Again, this will be similar to other camps but we will NOT have a big recital on Sunday.  Parents will be able to come to the last 15 minutes of class on Sunday to video/watch.  I will come again later this summer and hope to add on to what they have learned and do a recital then.  Cost will be $30 for the 3 days.  I will not be hanging flyers for this weekend so please spread the word :)  And thank you all again for the support and understanding of having to postpone.

Friday June 3rd
        10am-11am: 2nd-3rd grade
        11am-12pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        2pm-3pm: 4th-6th grade

        3pm-4pm: Kind-1st grade
        4pm-5pm: 7th and up (depending on how many and would do an older class if any interested)

Saturday June 4th

        10am-11am: 2nd-3rd grade
        11am-12pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        2pm-3pm: 4th-6th grade

        3pm-4pm: Kind-1st grade
        4pm-5pm: 7th and up (depending on how many and would do an older class if any interested)

Sunday June 5th

        9am-10am: 2nd-3rd grade
        10am-11am: 2yr old - pre-school
        11am-12pm: 4th-6th grade

        12pm-1pm: Kind-1st grade
        1pm-2pm: 7th and up (depending on how many and would do an older class if any interested), or 701-391-3439

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June camp POSTPONED!!!

Ok everyone, it took a lot for me to do this but I have to ask for your understanding in having to postpone camp for a couple weeks.  I have been moving family out of their houses, sandbagging, and volunteering for the past week.  I just don't feel as prepared as I should be.  On top of the flood my family got word last night that my cousin in WA was in a horrible work related accident and brain dead so they let him go this morning.  I know my parents will be heading to the funeral for sure at the end of the week, and if I don't go with, then I am on flood duty with their house.

I just know that I will not have my heart there and your kids deserve that.  I know how supportive your community is and I know you will understand my situation.  I am hoping to talk with Glen Moser tomorrow to see if June 24th-26th would work to re-schedule.  This way it is after father's day and before the 4th of July.  If there are any major conflicts you can think of can you please let me know asap and I can look at a weekend in July. 

I want to make sure that all know about the cancelled camp so please email, text, call, or message me on facebook.  If I don't hear from you then I will try to call. (, 701-391-

Thank you all so much!  And to the ones who's children will be very upset....please dance at least one song with them this weekend :)


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

June Dance Camp Times

Hope all are having a great start to their summer!  We are a little worried about WATER here!  Lots of sandbagging :)  These are the times for the next camp.  I am hoping I get enough students to come down so please let me know asap if your dancer/s are wanting to attend.  I only have a few signed up right now and will be starting to make calls.  I do understand that summers are hard to commit to things so this will be a trial to see if I should hold off during the summer and only come back again in the fall.  I would like everyone to sign up for the childs next year grade, not the one they just finished with so they all stay with each other.  Thanks and see you soon!

Friday June 3rd
        10am-11am: 2nd-3rd grade
        11am-12pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        2pm-3pm: 4th-6th grade

        3pm-4pm: Kind-1st grade
        4pm-5pm: 7th and up (depending on how many and would do an older class if any interested)

Saturday June 4th

        10am-11am: 2nd-3rd grade
        11am-12pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        2pm-3pm: 4th-6th grade

        3pm-4pm: Kind-1st grade
        4pm-5pm: 7th and up (depending on how many and would do an older class if any interested)

Sunday June 5th

        10am-11am: 2nd-3rd grade
        11am-12pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        12pm-1pm: 4th-6th grade

        1pm-2pm: Kind-1st grade
        2pm-3pm: 7th and up (depending on how many and would do an older class if any interested)

Please let me know of any problems with scheduling.  See you all soon!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

June Camp :)

Hello Again All!  I am really hoping it's not still snowing when I come in the beginning of June!  This is ridiculous and I'm still scared to drive! LOL :)

I heard back from Glen Moser today and there is nothing going on in the rec on the first weekend of now there is...DANCE!!!  I will be returning June 3rd, 4th and 5th.  We will be learning more routines and skills throughout the summer.  Please let me know if there is some event that will keep many from attending. 

Again the cost will be $30 for the weekend.  Parents will have the option of coming to the last 15 minutes of their childs class on Sunday, there will not be a big recital this time....I hope to do a larger one at the end of summer :)

Also if anyone is interested in ordering any of the new dance items please email me asap so we can get the order together.  Thanks again and hope to hear from you all soon!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dance Clothing and Bags

Hello!  First off, Congratulations to all my students for a wonderful recital on Sunday!  Thank you for all the birthday wishes and hugs :)  I will be putting in another order and would like everyone to know that they can still purchase items.  When the items are in you will be called and you can stop at Dale's Clothing to pick them up.  ALL orders will go through me NOT Dale's!  Please let me know if you would like anything asap.  Thank you!

Here are the items to choose from:

Burnout tee: youth S-L & Adult S-L    Y:$15  A:$17   (XS shirts are plain black not burnout)

Dance Pant: youth S-L & Adult S-L    $25

Sweatpant: youth S-L & Adult S-L      $25

Zip Jacket:  youth S-L & Adult S-L      Y:$30  A: $32

Dance bag: $12
I think all the merchandise turned out wonderfully so don't forget to thank Dale's Clothing if you are ever strolling by :) 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Times for Dance Camp and Recital!

Hello Again!  Hope everyone has been practicing and is ready for this weekend!  I was out of town so I apologize for not getting these posted sooner.  Let me know if you have any questions.  As far as the clothing goes, I am waiting for final prices from Dale's clothing.  If you have already paid for your order, we will get it worked out while I am down there :)

Friday March 11th
        2pm-3pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        3pm-4pm: 2nd-3rd grade
        4pm-5pm: Kind-1st grade
        5pm-6pm: 4th - 6th grade
        6pm-7pm: 7th and up

Saturday March 12th

        10am-11am: Kind. - 1st grade
        11am-12pm: 4th - 6th grade
        2pm - 3pm: 2nd - 3rd grade
        3pm - 4pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        4pm - 5pm: 7th and up

Sunday March 13th
          Recital: 1pm
I would like the dancers to come to the rec center between 11:30am and 12:30pm  to practice and make sure everyone is there before we start.  The younger children can come around 12:30 since we know how short attention spans are :)  I would like all groups to wear black.  If they want to wear an accent color they may but it isn't required.  I am crossing my fingers that the clothing will be done by Friday.
See everyone this weekend!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dance Camp Times and Location

Since I was in Bowman last, the temple has since been sold and the new owners are not renting it out so the NEW location for dance will be the Bowman Rec Center.  I have set times and will let you know if anything changes.  The classes are back-to-back since my mom will be with to help again :)  Please let everyone know...Thank you!!!

Friday Feb 18th
        2pm-3pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        3pm-4pm: 2nd-3rd grade
        4pm-5pm: Kind-1st grade
        5pm-6pm: 4th - 6th grade
        6pm-7pm: 7th and up

Sat. Feb 19th
        10am-11am: 2yr old - pre-school
        11am-12pm: 2nd-3rd grade
        2pm-3pm: Kind-1st grade
        3pm-4pm: 4th - 6th grade
        4pm-5pm: 7th and up

Sun. Feb 20th
        11am-12pm: 2yr old - pre-school
        12pm-1pm: 2nd-3rd grade
        1pm-2pm: Kind-1st grade
        2pm-3pm: 4th - 6th grade
        3pm-4pm: 7th and up

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2 Weekend Dance Camp!!!

Hello Again!  I am excited to announce that I am coming back to the Bowman area again....this time for two weekends!  I want my dancers to have more time to learn their routines and have a more structured recital.  This way they will have time between weekends to practice together and will be ready to learn more the second weekend. 

The dates will be Feb. 18-20th and again March 11-13th with the recital on Sunday the 13th.  If anyone will be out of town either of those weekends I would be happy to have them sign up for one or the other.  If they are gone the first weekend they can learn the second half of the routine and jump in at the recital at that point. 

Friday practices will start in the afternoon so Scranton school kids can also participate since they have school.  Again I will have to post times later so I know what ages will have less kids and so forth.  It will be similar to the last camp with the exception of later times on Friday. 

Cost for the two weekend camp will be $60 for both or $35 for one weekend.  There will not be a charge for the recital on the last weekend and I will not be doing shirts this time.  I can do special orders for any merchandise you may want for your dancer since my printing company already has the logo....water bottles, bags, shirts, pants, etc.  I can get prices if anyone is interested.

I would like to get most signed up before I come down so please start passing the word around.  Please email me or call: or 701-391-3439


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Camp in February 2011!

Hello again all!  I wanted to put something up right away so we can get the word out sooner this time.  I plan on coming down the third weekend in February for more dance classes.  I will put more information up as soon as I know more.

Thanks for checking!

Questions or to sign up early, please email me or call 391-3439